November 29, 2011

Heater-1 Productivity-0

So at this time in my life I'm in need of some serious self motivation.

1. Get Ready for Africa
2. Clean and Organize all my Student Teaching stuff.
3. Find a Job
4. Make, order, or buy Christmas gifts.
5. Find a Job (yes I said it twice)

There is currently one thing holding me back. My Space Heater. At this very moment, I have been sitting on the couch for 2 hours unable to pull myself away.

Dear Space Heater
I love and hate you very much.

Ps. Today its Snowing. You cant see it in the pic but it is. :)

November 27, 2011


It already chipped.

Haha ok, it's not really that bad.. Just a fact.

November 25, 2011

My Bright Red Shellac

Today I got my very first Shellac. Getting my nails done is a luxury I have had to part from, so I thought this would be perfect. A nail job that would last. What I did not know was just how red they would come out. Yikes!

Well heres to the Bright Red Shellac nail challenge.

November 24, 2011

What A Day

Happy Thanksgiving Everybody. I hope you have all had a wonderful day filled with many things to be thankful for.

I'm incredibly thankful for so many things this thanksgiving. My whole family being together, yummy food, our wonderful dogs and Paty being here are just a few.

However, today was interesting. You saw the previous post where we ate at cracker barrel for breakfast. Cracker Barrel on thanksgiving... Who would have thunk it? Well, it got worse.

I'm not proud, but thankful.
We went to walmart!! Yep we did. My sweet mother bought me a ton of travel size necessities for the upcoming trip to Africa. I hated to be there on Thanksgiving but it was a better option thank black Friday.

The fellas played a little Hill family scramble while we were shopping away.

After all that things settled back down to normal. This is why I love this holiday so much.

Don't judge...

Good Night


Yep, really!

November 22, 2011

November 21, 2011

There is an App for That

In attempts to blog while in Uganda I tried to blog from my phone. For some reason it was not working. That's when it dawned on me, I bet there is an app for that. And so it is, my first blog from my phone's blogger app. To my TSCF (your new nickname, can anybody figure it out?) here we go!

Also heard a lovely verse on Sunday while watching Cross Point online. Luke 6:45 "For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of."

What is your heart full of this Thanksgiving Holiday?

Not sure where the picture will show up but thought I would share a snap shot of my sleepover on Saturday Night.

November 20, 2011


Well how the heck are ya?

First, I must apologize for the lack of post from me in well, forever. My life has officially - completely changed since my last update.

I Quit My Job 
(Which means I also quit receiving a paycheck :( )

I Became a Teacher 
(Should I put this on my resume as a job experience or volunteer community service?)

And Last but not Least..

With a Little Help from Family and The Big Man Upstairs I decided to Travel to Uganda
(My International Shot Band-Aids - There are Three more of those on the other Arm.)

From now until the end of December I believe this blog is going to be filled up with everything Uganda.

Trip Details:
Allison, Ben and I are all going together - How Cool?  
We are going with an organization called Palmetto Medical Initiative 
It is a 10 day trip to Masindi, Uganda 
Yes it is a Medical Mission however, I have little intensions of doing much medical work... I hope to share all this great love that we have with those kids and families who need to feel it.  

I am going to go into greater detail on each of the aspects of the trip as we near... Check in for More. 

Hope we still have followers - Again, Sorry for the 6th months of MIA.

Have an excellent Sunday - I am off to watch the Titans take on the Falcons. Go Titans!